How to install android studio on Linux.

How to install android studio on Linux.

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In this blog post, we are installing android studio on a Linux machine in an easy way.

Step 1 - Go to the download link and install the android studio tar.gz file

Click on Download Android Studio Electric Eel and accept all the terms and conditions and simple download.

After downloading android studio you have an android-studio-2022.1.1.19-linux.tar.gz file.

Step 2 - Open the terminal and enter the command

tar xvzf android-studio-2022.1.1.19-linux.tar.gz

After running the above command you will get an android-studio folder.

Step 3 - Go inside that folder and go to /bin directory open the terminal there and run the command


You will be able to run android studio successfully. Thank you for reading this blog post.